
Chris Ducker




Founded in 2008, this outsourced call center was, and still is, at the center of the mid-range BPO growth boom in the Philippines. As a primary B2B company, focusing on delivering world class outbound lead generation and inbound customer support services, Chris continues to own and operate the business, with the help of his dedicated management team. 

Virtual Staff Finder

Established in mid-2010, this virtual staffing recruitment hub is the solution that bridges the gap between stressed out entrepreneur, and experienced Filipino virtual assistant. Supporting mainly online solopreneurs and small business owners, the VSF team of professionals has helped over 8,000 VAs get hired since it’s inception. It continues to dominate the market.


Launched in 2015, this coaching and education company focuses on helping experienced professionals and creators to become the leader in their industry, building a profitable business based around expertise, experience, personality and a thirst for serving others. It does this via its podcast, coaching programs, courses, membership and annual conference. 


Move iQ

This property focused business is a combination of education and media, as well as a conduit to professional services for anyone interested in buying, selling, renting and owning a property. Headed by TV personality and property expert, Phil Spencer, its proprietary online tools, popular podcast and high quality video content is helping the company lead the way in consumer property knowledge and education.


ScoreApp makes quiz funnel marketing easy, so you can attract warm leads, insightful data and increase your sales. With a quiz creator and beautiful landing pages, you get to publish a proven, powerful lead generation strategy faster, without any of the stress or learning curve! Built in data and reporting, as well as smart integrations, including AI, makes this a truly cutting edge SaaS company.


PSONA leverages the astonishing advancements in Generative AI to initially focus on delivering an important use-case: providing scalable, personalised coaching services across the globe. The company is set to revolutionise the coaching industry by
democratising access to professional and personal coaching to promote global Human and Emotional Intelligence.


With any important project you need two things – knowledge and a plan. You used to learn in one place, then plan and take action in another – ProperPlan brings learning, planning and action-taking into one platform so you can achieve more without overwhelm. No online platform has offered that before. Pick a template, customize your plan, action your plan and achieve your biggest goals easier than ever.

Book Magic AI

As an expert in your industry when writing a non-fiction book, you should aim for a carefully planned, strategic approach; where your words directly align with your business vision, the service you offer and those you’re offering it to. This is what Book Magic helps you do. It’s built specifically for entrepreneurs and developed using a proven business book writing framework to fuels your growth. 


This innovative, fast growing business is changing the game for podcasters, sponsors and listeners alike, by offering one-tap calls to action directly from within shows and episodes. With podcast industry ad spend estimated to hit $1 Billion by 2021, Poductivity is on a mission to fix what is broken when it comes to podcast advertisers talking directly to listeners of their favorite shows, promoting huge growth for all.

Interested in having Chris invest in, or advise your company? Reach out to him directly, with details to discuss further.

Entrepreneurial JOURNEY

Live2Sell Opens its Doors

After years as an independent consultant to the Infomercial and BPO sectors, Chris opened the doors to his first brick ‘n mortar business.

This call center facility works exclusively with B2B clients across a number of different industries from around the globe, providing lead generation, appointment setting, customer service and live chat services to small and medium sized clients.


Burn Out = L5-S1 Spinal Surgery

After working non-stop for 2-years Chris hit burnout in a big way. Ordered by medical professionals to take time off work due to acute exhaustion and dehydration, he then discovered years of sitting in a chair for up to 15-hours a day had led to him blowing his L5-S1 disc, requiring back surgery to get him standing up straight again.

The incident was a major wake-up call and Chris had drastic lifestyle changes in both his professional and personal life. He also started blogging and podcasting to chart the journey he was embarking on.


Virtual Staff Finder Gets Going

Following a comment on a blog post that he wrote to educate his readers on the importance of delegation and building a virtual team, Chris opened the doors to his second business, focused on bridging the gap between stressed-out, over worked entrepreneurs and hard-working virtual assistants in the Philippines.

It was an instant hit with online entrepreneurs and brick ‘n mortar business owners alike and since opening its doors has helped over 8,000 Filipinos find work online.


1st ‘Business of YOU’ Keynote

In late 2012, Chris flew to Las Vegas to present what would become his most requested and quoted keynote presentation to date – the Business of YOU.

Presenting in front of a packed audience, with standing room only, the session was ranked as one of the top voted by attendees from the entire conference.


Published: Virtual Freedom

After teasing his community and audience for almost 2-years, Chris finally launched his first book with the help of a publisher BenBella Books, in the USA.

An instant bestseller, the book is available in paperback, audio and eBook formats, the book has gone on to become known at ‘the bible for virtual team building’ and has amassed well over 1,000 5-star reviews on Amazon.


Tropical Think Tank Arrives

Not content with holding small masterminds and workshops while traveling the world, Chris decided to bring together some of his closest friends and peers for his first big event, to be held at a 5-star resort in Cebu, Philippines, co-hosted by his wife, Erz.

 It sold out in less than 48-hours and started a 5-year journey that he the team still fondly look back on. 


The Launch of ‘Youpreneur’

As Chris started to pivot into more of a personal brand entrepreneur, requests for him to teach exactly how to do it started to come in thick and fast. The doors to the Youpreneur membership platform opened late in the year, with over 200 people joining in the first 24-hours alone.

Since then, the Youpreneur brand has grown beyond even Chris’ wildest imagination. Now a full-blown education company serving personal brand entrepreneurs, and offering live events, coaching and online learning opportunities, the brand continues to grow from strength to strength, with big plans for the future.


Inaugural Youpreneur Summit

Organizing and hosting a large scale business event in his hometown of London, England was always one of Chris’ big business goals.

In November of this year it became a reality, with over 350 entrepreneurs from 37 different countries attending the event which was held at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre, after selling out 4-months before it’s due date!

We can nether confirm or deny that some ‘man tears’ were produced… as he wrapped up the 2-day event!


Published: Rise of the Youpreneur

After surprising everyone in attendance at the Youpreneur Summit with a free copy, just a few months before, Chris officially launched his second book (self-published), which is quickly becoming recognized as one of the most thorough and in-depth manuals on the subject of personal brand business growth.

Chris invited his long-time friend, New York Times bestselling author, Lewis Howes from The School of Greatness podcast to pen the book’s foreword.


10th Live2Sell Anniversary

It’s common knowledge that 80% of businesses will fail in the first 3-years. So, to enjoy 10-years of business is quite the achievement! Chris and his 350+ team at Live2Sell celebrated in style with a huge gala evening at one of Cebu’s finest hotels. It was one for the history books!


Round Table Mastermind

If 2018 wasn’t already set to become a record year for Chris and his team, the announcement of his first inner circle mastermind, The Round Table, would surely secure it! Exclusively for established, 6-figure and beyond entrepreneurs, this year-long mastermind proved to be more than a hit, with the end of the year celebrated with a 2-day retreat and everyone enjoying a champagne fuelled ride on the London Eye!


Youpreneur Incubator is Born!

At the 2019 Summit, Chris launched his online coaching group, the Youpreneur Incubator, which would kick-off in January, 2020. Focused on helping entrepreneurs build, market and monetize their business in a smart and profit-focused way, the group meets online every month for expert coaching calls and quarterly, for a full-day mastermind session.

Highly regarded as one of the most professionally run and organized online coaching groups available, Chris and his team is looking forward to growing this aspect of the Youpreneur ecosystem even further, going into the future.


7-Million Podcast Downloads

After showing up week after week for his listeners, and with 400+ episodes published, the Youpreneur Podcast celebrated the huge milestone of clocking-up over 7,000,000 downloads in September of 2020.

Asked how he felt about the milestone on a recent interview, Chris replied in his usual optimistic style… “That’s awesome! But, we’re just gettin’ started!!!


Youpreneur Academy Course Launch

Although at first, a membership offering for the wider Youpreneur community served those that wanted to take things a little more seriously in the perfect way… as time went on, it became clear that those exact same people wanted and needed something a little different – especially in light of all the changes we needed to make since the pandemic broke out.

As a result, we closed the doors to the Academy as a membership and, instead, opened the doors to an all-new Youpreneur Academy course based on our Build, Market, Monetize™ framework!


Re-Launch of the Round Table

Following a short hiatus, Chris relaunched his Round Table Mastermind with new branding, a new VIP client portal and a calendar full of exciting training, guest sessions and more to help his high-level clients achieve big growth, with him mentoring them, every step of the way.

Restricted to just 25 members, the Round Table has now become both equally limited, and highly sought-after.


The Long Haul Leader Summit

This year we’re hosting a live event again, but with something completely new. 

This is for entrepreneurs and aspiring leaders who are committed to building lasting legacies and making a meaningful difference in their industries and the communities they serve.​

Boost Your Income. Elevate Your Impact. Build a Legacy.



Motivational MENTOR